
Monday 23 April 2012

Compare Petrol Price in India and Other Countries

Price of petrol and diesel are relatively high INDIA compared to global peers. Government of India and state governments must understand the difficulties facing by common man because of price rice in all sections including groceries, vegetables and all essential commodities and reduce the tax on petrol and diesel to bring it back to affordable levels because every one Rupee rice in diesel will create big holes in common man’s monthly budget.
Pakistan: Rs: 26
Bangladesh: Rs: 22
Cuba: Rs: 19
Nepal: Rs; 34
Burma: Rs: 30
Afganistan: Rs: 36
India: Rs: 65
why is there a difference within india itself?
If the cost price of petrol per litre is Rs 58.90, following is the break up of cost calculated by the government.
Basic Price: Rs 28.93
Excise duty: Rs 14.35
Education Tax: Rs 0.43
Dealer commission: Rs 1.05
VAT: Rs 5.5
Crude Oil Custom duty: Rs 1.1
Petrol Custom: Rs 1.54
Transportation Charge: Rs 6.00
Total price: Rs 58.90
Based on the above calculation the price of crude is only around 36-40% of the total price thhat we pay at the pumps. In the year 2008-9 Hindustan petroleum company had a net profit of Rs: 574.5 crores, similarly in 2009-10 Indian oil had a profit of Rs: 5556.77 crores and Bharat petroleum had a profit of Rs; 5015.5 crores. If these companies had incurred a loss, then where from, they got this profit??
World market crude oil is not the reason for this. it’s all gain for private owners? as we are the general public, or common man as R.K.Laxman would have said, Every common man have to raise our voice.
It has been calculated that if everyone did not purchase a drop of petrol for one day and all at the same time, the oil companies would choke on their stockpiles. At the same time it would hit the entire industry with a net loss over 4.6 billion dollars which affects the bottom lines of the oil companies.  Therefore Feb.14 th has been formally declared ”stick it up their behind ” day and the people of this nation should not buy a single drop of petrol that day.
what happened to the reduction and control in prices that the arab nations promised. Remember one thing, not only is the price of petrol going up but at the same time airlines are forced to raise their prices, trucking companies are forced to raise their prices which affects prices on everything that is shipped. things like food, clothing, building supplies medical supplies etc.
who pays in the end? WE DO!

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